Dairy free Gluten free Nutritious vegetarian Winter

How to strengthen your immune system with flying colours + Magic Mineral Broth

15 December 2018

T’is the season to be tired? Under the weather as they say. For many people, the month of December is synonymous with weariness and an urgent need to curl up under woollen blankets till spring arrives.

However, by following some simple steps, it is possible to speed up that low energy for the upcoming season and increase your vitality through a strong immune system. How so? By getting good night sleeps, practicing an outdoor activity and including a healthy diet. One of the easiest way to do the latter is to eat colorful.

The more colors you put on your menu, (from vegetables and fruits, not candies) the greater the diversity of vitamins and minerals you will be putting in your body.


Eating simple and colorful ensures that you are filling yourself with vitamins and antioxidants, naturellement. When we think of autumn, we immediately think of the flamboyant colors that nature offers. So, blaze your plates to the rhythm of the nature and your vitality will be at the rendez-vous.

Here’s a quick look at the therapeutic benefits of fall foods that help boost the immune system and prevent many diseases:

I eat  such as Because


pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, clementine, oranges, pineapple Carotenoid-related pigments such as beta-carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A in the body, contribute to:

maintain a good vision,

strengthen the immune system,

prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancers

have healthy skin



Cabbage, spinach, green pepper, zucchini, broccoli, kale, avocado, kiwi

Help maintain acid-base balance of the body and to oxygenate it

Rich in fiber, they are packed with antioxidants

their anti-cancer compound is no longer to prove



Beetroot, red cabbage, cranberry, radish, tomato, pomegranates, red grapes

Rich in lycopene and ellagic acid, they are powerful antioxidants that serve to inhibit cancer

Tip: Cooked tomatoes help increase lycopene levels, which have antioxidant and preventive effects, especially for prostate


Aubergine, beetroot, blackberry, blueberry, blue grapes Antioxidants and rich in resveratrol they have a protective effect on cardiovascular disease
White – Brown


Onion, garlic, mushrooms, rutabaga, potato, leek, banana

Anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious they are excellent for the heart

reduce high pressure and cholesterol.

Tip: To maximize health benefits of garlic, cut or crush peeled garlic cloves and let them sit for 10 to 15 minutes before adding to a recipe. It will allow for its useful compounds to form.

In practice

Just as one adapts his wardrobe for winter, one must adapt his diet according to the seasons. In cold weather, the body needs warmth and colors.

To do so, remember that the composition of our plates starts at the grocery store: Think Rainbow and buy seasonal vegetables and colorful fruits. It will be a great way to strengthen your immune system which needs reinforcement during the cold season. If for example leek, garlic and squash abound in autumn, it is not a coincidence. The body needs their compounds at this time of the year to fight cold sunless days.

To find out which vegetables and fruits are in season, click here.

To further optimize the immune system, think

Ginger: Decreases inflammation and acts as a natural decongestant

Turmeric: eliminates bacteria that cause excessive mucus production

Honey: antiviral and antibacterial, it helps relieve a sore throat.

And a Magic Mineral broth to boost your system

Here is a great tonic broth from Rebecca Katz’s book: The Cancer Fighting-kitchen.

Don’t be discouraged by the long list of ingredients. Other than the kombu, the rest can be found in any grocery near you. All you need to do is cut the veggies in big chunks, throw them in the pot, add water and let it simmer for 2 hours. You can drink it as it is or use it as a base broth for soups.

Magic Mineral Broth
Temps de préparation / Prep time
Cuisson / Cook time
I highly recommend getting most of the veggies organic. If <g class="gr_ gr_2090 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_disable_anim_appear Grammar replaceWithoutSep" id="2090" data-gr-id="2090">not</g>, not to worry, make sure to wash them well.
Auteur / Author:
: Broth
Portions: 2 Litres
Ingrédients / Ingredients
  • 6 unpeeled carrots
  • 2 unpeeled onions
  • 1 leek, white and green
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 4 unpeeled red potatoes
  • 2 unpeeled Japanese or sweet potatoes
  • 5 unpeeled cloves of garlic, halved
  • ½ bunch fresh flat parsley
  • 1 strip kombu (if you don't have it, skip it)
  • 4 juniper berries (or allspice)
  • 12 Peppercorn
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 8 Litres cold water
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (after the cooking)
Préparation / Preparation
  1. Rinse well, all vegetables, including kombu.
  2. In a large stockpot, combine all the ingredients, except salt.
  3. Fill the pot with water, cover and bring to boil
  4. Remove the lid, decrease the heat to low and simmer half covered for at least 2 hours.
  5. Strain the broth through a lard sieve and discard the veggies.
  6. Add salt to taste.
Remarques / Notes
Kumbo is a seaweed that you can get from any Asian or health store. It contains iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and iodide.

Have a Happy and Healthy Christmas and a blessed New Year !

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