Why do some people live long and healthy?

There are places in the world called the Blue Zones where specific populations reach record-breaking ages. Why is it so, one might ask. Yes, there are people in the world who not only have a longer life expectancy than the average, but their elders…

30 July 2019
Gluten free Main dish vegetarian

Home made # no mess # oven baked Falafels

Falafels. A healthy, hearty, tasty vegetarian dish to be eaten with fresh vegetables and a creamy tahini sauce. Prepared in advance, these homemade chickpea dumplings, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, have all it takes to satisfy an empty stomach for…

22 March 2017
Dairy free Dessert

Apple blossom & Dutch apple pie recipe (vegan)

You cannot savor the sweetness of the fall without biting into an apple. Even if I’ve already talked about apples here , a quick reminder of how beneficial they are for you, some buying and cooking tips and a delicious recipe of a Dutch Apple Pie! Health benefits Eating regularly…

12 October 2016
Nutritious Workshop

Workshop health – fats and oils!

Shop kitchen health in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Ah the fat!  Should we eliminate them or not of our diet? If as the majority of people, you can’t know if you consume them or delete them, then this friendly workshop will help you…

23 September 2016

The surprising link between our personality and our way of eating

And if our eating habits were dictated by our personality traits? Ho there! you will say. It goes too far… And yet! A study by the Swiss magazine Appetite submitted to 1,000 people over 55 years 3 questionnaires – 1st on the personality, the…

5 August 2016