
Which diet is right?

5 August 2015

But what is the right diet to follow?

That is the question that I often get asked. “What is the right thing to eat? What diet do you recommend? In other words what should I eat to be slim and fit?

Nowadays you can easily find a range of restrictive diets that target weight loss. Not only do they have a yo-yo effect on the body but they also expose us to an important nutritional imbalance and deficiency (vitamins, minerals, etc.).

That is why restrictive diets – that is to say, withholding food – should be eliminated and replaced by a lifestyle that promotes healthy diet because it will in the long run be beneficial to the body.

But healthy eating (which I will talk about throughout this site) is only one element to be considered within Vital Hygiene.

When talking about vital hygiene, I guess the first image that comes to our mind is personal and environmental cleanliness. But the science of vital hygiene goes well beyond that. It is actually a plethora of related elements to be applied regularly in order to optimize health, energy and vitality. For some, this approach was used to cure their incurable disease.

In 1822, Dr. Isaac Jennings, doctor for 20 years, dissatisfied with the results of the popular medical methods of his time, renounces the use of medication for his patients and opts natural principles to optimize health, such as fasting. He later became the founder of the Vital Hygiene.

What is it Vital Hygiene?

It is a set of basic rules of life and nature that allow us to preserve health and restore it in case of illness. The principles are:
Fresh air
Water quality
Adequate body temperature (97-99 F)
Internal cleanliness
Adequate food
Regular physical activity
Sun exposure (before 11 am and after 4 pm)
Rest, relaxation
Natural nutrition
Security and meaning to life
Creative work
Self control

4 Interconnected activities to optimize health

cherries1- Change your diet and go natural!

Eat your fruits and vegetables that are in season, enjoy balanced meals and eliminate all refined food. That will be the first shift towards a healthy lifestyle. Eating well will increase your vitality and help you…

2 – Stay active!

Physical activity adapted to your personality, regular exercice such as walking, swimming, gardening, etc. have a beneficial and invaluable effect on the body and the mood, that is GOOD mood. Being physically active during the day allows us to better …

3 – Sleep at night!

Our cells regenerate during sleep.

To sleep better apply some basic principles such as eating early in the evening a light supper and not plentiful in order to ease digestion. Sleep in an airy quiet room, in darkness. A good night’s sleep helps …

4 – Eliminate stress!

Massages, smiles, healthy relationships, meditation and prayer flowing from a rich spiritual life are all simple and natural means that allow us to de-stress and enjoy the moment.

The best diet ? It begins with a healthy lifestyle.

And to enjoy the moment which is summertime, here is one of my favourite summer dessert inspired from Chocolate and Zucchini. Cherry Clafouti !


Here is one of my favourite summer dessert inspired from Chocolate and Zucchini. Cherry Clafouti !

Why should you eat cherries?

Cherries are nutritionally dense food. They are high source of antioxidants, Potassium and reduce inflammation.

Cherry Clafouti
Temps de préparation / Prep time
Cuisson / Cook time
3 eggs, white and yellow separated 200 g Greek Yoghurt 180 ml Honey or Maple syrup 70 g Almond flour 85 g Chestnut or Amaranth flour 1 T Orange juice 500 g cherries
: Gluten free
Cuisine: Dessert
Portions: 8
Ingrédients / Ingredients
  • 3 eggs, white and yellow separated
  • 200 g Greek Yoghurt
  • 180 ml Honey or Maple syrup
  • 70 g Almond flour
  • 85 g Chestnut or Amaranth flour
  • 1 T Orange juice
  • 500 g cherries
Préparation / Preparation
  1. Preheat the oven to (350°F) and grease a 30-cm (12-inch) pie pan. (I used Coco oil)
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, beat together the egg yolks with the yogurt and honey (or maple syrup). Add the the flours, and beat them in briefly, without overmixing
  3. In another, thoroughly grease-free bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks
  4. Fold into the first mixture and pour into the pan. Arrange the cherries on top, pushing them down gently into the batter
  5. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, until set and golden. Transfer to a rack to cool and serve, lightly warm or at room temperature.
Remarques / Notes
Adapted and slightly modified from Chocolat&Zucchini

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